A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Jesse Herman and Leon White with The Mission Continues for organizing another massive volunteer effort out at Historic Greenwood Cemetery on Saturday April 2nd. And THANK YOU to all who came out and helped restore this gem of Black History in Saint Louis. Groups of all ages including high school students, veterans, and descendants of those laid to rest in Greenwood came out to clear brush, mow grass, and build a beautiful new pergola. These efforts will leave a lasting impression, but we still need your help with mowing, clearing brush, treating for weeds, etc. Volunteers are in the cemetery every Saturday (weather permitting). If you can't make it out to volunteer, please consider a donation to help us pay for supplies and equipment. The weed & feed season is upon us and we need your help to maintain the beautiful reclaimed burial sections.
Whether you can volunteer (either in the cemetery or help with research, records, and/or event programming), or donate, please know that it is with your help that we can maintain the amazing progress we've made since July of 2015. Thanks again to everyone involved in making 2016 a GREAT year for Historic Greenwood Cemetery!!
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